Posting this for posterity, built around 2012-2013. The startup that was Bookish (joint venture between Simon & Schuster, Penguin and Hachette) is no longer around, but we built out some reasonable book data processing infrastructure, along with a search and recommendation engine. I ran engineering and architected the overall solution.
Table of Contents
Business Objectives
- Readers hub: Become the destination of choice for book-lovers.
- Book discovery: Help readers find their next great book through a best-in-class recommendation engine.
- Establish a new sales channel: direct-to-consumer sales through a new eCommerce portal.
Conceptual View

Data Ingest
- Book catalog data: XML files from 20 publishers, 3 data aggregators. ONIX standard.
- 30 million+ books (most with multiple ISBNs and often multiple contributors).
- 100 million images (covers per ISBN and authors).
- 600k ePubs.
- Other enrichment data: editorial reviews, bestseller lists, comp titles, news articles, etc.
Challenges and Risks
- Poor quality data from decades old systems.
- ONIX standard 2.1, released in 2003, outdated.
- No common identifiers for books or authors.
- Computationally expensive graph clustering solution for deduping.
- Undocumented business rules about field and source precedence.
- Complicated legacy architecture. Inherited components built in multiple languages (Scala, Ruby, JavaScript), multiple application servers and two different databases (Postgres and MongoDB).
- Big-bang launch amidst significant press and media build-up.
- High reputational risk for publishers (the investors) from incorrect data or poor site response, availability or reliability.
Architecturally Significant Requirements
- 30-40 feeds, 1 million book records.
- Batch data ingest jobs must execute between the hours of 2am-7am ET.
- Manual data changes need to be updated immediately.
- ISBNs belonging to the same ‘Book’ must be aggregated. Authors across ISBNs must be rolled up to the ‘Book’.
- All edge (user-facing) APIs should respond in < 100ms.
- Support peak load: 100k user sessions, no more than 20% dip in average response time.
- Business rules to select the canonical representation of a ‘Book’ depend on the history of data updates. Rules are updated regularly, need to be run retroactively and shouldn’t regress previous updates.
Architectural Decision: Use CQRS Model
- CQRS: Command Query Responsibility Segregation (Fowler).
- CQRS: Decouple Read and Write modeling and execution.
- ASRs: near-real-time updates, low service latency.
- Core domain modelled toward Event Sourcing (history).
- Multiple ‘views’: User facing enriched catalog, Search indexes, Recommendation datasets.
- Sync views with domain by using an Event Bus.
Why Not Use N-Tier/CRUD
- Very complex read queries.
- Isolation: Larger, more complicated jobs at high volume could impact database performance/response time. Isolating databases based on use allows for targeted optimization. E.g. high memory working set required for ingest jobs vs. site queries.
- Scalability: Modelling of objects is based on their history – the calculation to create canonical views was complex and expensive.
- Required to retain object history.
- Caching? Search and recommendation engines significantly expand requested book data footprint.
- Read replicas? Batch load could affect millions of objects – high eventual consistency for read queries on site.
Trade-Offs: CQRS vs. N-Tier/CRUD
- Deeper decoupling of the system to discrete services.
- Cost efficiency: Provisioning for discrete service datastores vs. monolithic all-in-one database).
- Auditability: tracking history vs. final result (think version control).
- Flexibility: able to test and rollback new ingest rules without impacting the live site.
- No large batch jobs to run and maintain to regenerate views.
- Functional/immutable models applied at the code and architectural level (consistent mental model for devs).
- Data consistency (still eventual).
- Orchestration, deployment and monitoring complexity (pre-Kubernetes).
- Solution justification.
- Additional infrastructure: Event Bus.
Logical View – Data Pipeline

Physical View

Architectural Decision: Implement Event Bus using ZeroMQ
- Fulfils ASRs for: HA, scalability, throughput.
- Functional/immutable approach to handling data and operations.
- Trade-off: very high throughput, but low flexibility. Majority of the data events were batch triggered.
- Idempotent messages, audit, accounting, replay.
- Message order guaranteed.
- No persistence, manual recovery.
- Stateless.
Messaging Infrastructure – HA Binary Star (ZeroMQ)

- Met all delivery requirements.
- Successful Launch – investors happy.
- Peak load at launch: 2k concurrent user sessions. Deprovisioned search/rec instances.
- Supported batch and real-time data updates, apply new rules on the fly.
- Data consistency – daily accounting to replay lost messages.
- Bottleneck: graph algorithm for concordance calculations.
- Rule changes affecting 25% of our dataset would propagate through the system in minutes, faster than update services could handle.
2018 Design?
Actors -> Streams.
ZeroMQ -> Kafka (MSK).
Custom concordance -> Spark + GraphX for parallel processing.
Kubernetes (EKS) for service orchestration and deployment (or Fargate with ECR/ECS).
Services: Custom EC2 instances -> Docker containers.
MongoDB: Atlas, or if managed: EBS -> SSD.